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At the outset, the VISION was set by ONE MAN and together with his Global Advisors & Strategic Partner, they as a TEAM set about on an Adventure to create something that no one in India said, could be done. This is how the Journey of ‘UNNATI’ came into being. Our Core Focus is on Innovation & Business Bench Marking and our guiding principle is Industry Best Practices & Uncompromising Business Ethics resulting in unparalleled quality Products. UNNATI BRAND MIX- Creating Wealth and Prosperity by Building a Product Line which is Healthy & Pure.
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Holstein Friesien Cows
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Unnati Milk
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Where can I buy your milk and what’s the price?
Currently our milk will only be available in Solapur and Latur reqions. Its priced at Rs65 per litre.
How are we different?
We are a multi directionally integrated state of the art farm where our milk is processed without any human hand contamination and delivered straight to you within hrs of its milking. We only process farm captive cows milk and do not homogenise with other farms’ milk. In additional our multidirectional integration allows us to be a sustainable and eco friendly production facility and at the same time keeping the prices affordable to the masses. We love our cows as our own children and ensure that they are treated well and kept in ultimate comfort at all times. We believe that happy cows not only give higher quantities of milk but also milk of better quality.
Is it A1 or A2 Milk? What is the difference?
Ours is milk from Holstein Friesien cows and is termed as A1 Milk. There is really no real scientific evidence that proves the claims made by proponents of A2 milk to the detriment of A1 milk. There is also evidence to suggest that A1 or A2 milk is not so much dependent on the breed of the cow but rather on the location where they are bred and the type of fodder that they are fed. For more information on this topic please click the link below https://indianexpress.com/article/india/unnecessary-controversy-decoding-the-truth-and-myths-about-a1-and-a2-milk-types-5143163/
Why is your milk in pouches and not bottles or tetra packs?
One of our principle guiding vision is to bring good quality milk to the people of India at affordable prices. As such we do not see the necessity of spending unnecessarily on product packaging intended to extend the shelf life of the produce to 6 months to a year when our milk itself will be consumed within days, that would only serve to increase the cost to the consumer. Our milk pouches are 7 layered and 3 times as thick as all other pouches available in the market which helps us to preserve the quality of our milk and extend the shelf life to about 10 to 14 days if it is kept refrigerated below 4 degrees at all times.
Do I have to boil the milk before drinking?
No. you can drink our milk straight from the pack without boiling. Our milk is chilled to 4 degrees celcius within 1 minute of it being milked and then it is pastuerised and chilled again to 4 degree celcius before being packed in a process which does not allow for any human hand contamination to occur. Our milk has less than 30, 000 bacterial colonies per ml vis-a-vis the accepted international norm of less than 100,000 bacterial colonies per ml. As such it is safe for drinking , even without boiling.
Is your milk organic?
Although we follow very strict protocols and believe in being natural and feed our cows with a scientifically mixed fodder which is devoid of any hormonal or GMO substance , we have not subjected ourselves to the organic certification process and cannot claim to be organic.
Where is your farm located and how can we visit the farm?
The farm is located at Jevali- 413608, Taluk Lohara, District Osmanabad, Maharashtra, India. The GPS coordinates are 17.8881760,76.4193400. You can contact us at info at Unnatiholdings .com to make arrangements for a farm visit.
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Contact Our Farm
Feel free to write to us to know more about our farm project and investment opportunities. One of our staff will get in touch with you as soon as possible.